

Eunhuy is a graphic designer based in NY.
She focuses on core values and is dedicated to connecting people through deeply thoughtful visual identity.

based in NY

Eunhuy Chon

THIS IS NOT A SHAPECampaign, Naming, Visual Identity

GoalDesign a visual and interactive system that makes it easy for people who don't know the Korean Alphabet, Hangul, to recognize the shapes of the characters.

SolutionThe approach to introducing Hangul is to present its letters as simple, easy-to-recognize shapes, accessible to everyone. Additionally, objects are designed to be interactive, engaging people who might not otherwise be interested.

Want to know more? Jump into the PROCESS BOOK!
Graphic SystemMy research shows that Hangul has geometric shapes. I simplified the characters with familiar basic shapes that people can easily recognize, making them more accessible and understandable.

Color SystemThe color system is designed to complement the shape system. Each color is carefully matched with a shape (letter) based on the traditional meanings of the five Korean colors and the Korean alphabet, creating a harmonious and meaningful visual experience.

Experience SystemI've created objects that consider people's flow and eye movement as they enter and leave the event.